Thursday 9/20/18


Min 1: 200M Run
Min 2: 15 T2B
Min 3: 15/12 Cal Row
Min 4: 15 GHD Sit UP
Min 5: 50 DU’s

SC: K2C, 20 ABMSU, Cut the number of DU’s or 75 Singles

Fit: 100M Run, Knee Up, 12/10 Cal Row, 15 ABMSU, 50 singles


5 BJ to a challenging height

2 RDs

12 Back Extensions
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows (choose weight)/ each side
12 Reverse lunge step up’s (2 Kb in front rack) 20’ / each side

5 Box jumps to a challenging height

8 back extensions 15/25
8 singles arm dumbbell rows increase weight / each side
8 reverse lunge step up’s increase weight 20’ / each side

5 box jumps to a challenging height