Saturday 11/18/17

Partner WOD:
Two People, One Barbell –
Barbell can’t touch the ground or 10 Burpees each person

80 Hang Power Clean (115/80)
80 Front Squat
80 Push Press
80 Front Rack Lunges
Pick a partner you can use the same barbell/weight with. If odd number of people, do 120 reps with a group of 3 people.

SC: (95/65)
Fit: (65/45)

Important dates and Information *We will be closed Thanksgiving day.
*We will have one class on Black Friday @ 9am
Olympic Lifting Seminar Dec 1 @ 5:30Pm
*Christmas party at Portico Dec 2 @ 7pm / Ugly sweater
*Winter clothes pre-order is out.