Wednesday 3/28/18

Metcon: “High Roller” AMRAP 16: 18/15 Calorie Row 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65) 12 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20) 9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups SC: (75/55), Pull-ups Fit: (65/45), Jumping C2B or Pull-ups,

Tuesday 3/27/18

Strength: Tempo Front Squat 6 Sets, On the 3 Minutes: 2 Tempo Front Squats 3 Front Squats   On the tempo front squats, 5 second negative to find the bottom position. Stand with

Monday 3/26/17

Strength: 10 Min E2MOM 4 Bench Press 2 Dead lifts Every 2 min for 10min (5 rounds), perform 4 reps of bench abd 2 reps of deadlifts. Start light. Work up to finish

Saturday 3/23/18

ATTN: PELICANS! The Open 18.5 tomorrow for judging NO PARTNER WODs.   BIG OPEN’18.5 BASH Trow-down Party….. Whoop Whoop!

Friday 3/23/18

  Metcon: Open 18.5   *Fridays will be the programmed OPEN WODs for strategizing/practice before the big day or for anyone not competing but wanting to try the awesome WODs out…. Get a

Thursday 3.21.18

Metcon: “Opposite Day” AMRAP 14: 40 AbMat Sit-Ups 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike or Row. 20 Burpees

Wednesday 3/21/18

Strength: Hang Power Clean 5-4-3-2-1 Metcon: “Hang Ten” AMRAP 10: 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 20 AbMat Sit-Ups 40 Double Unders

Tuesday 3.20.18

Metcon: 21-18-15-12-9: Box Jump Overs (24/20) Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)  Push Press (95/65) SC: (75/55) Fit: (step over, (64/45) Skill Work: Goat work

Monday 3.19.18

Strength: Pause Front Squat Build to a Heavy Single   Metcon: “Engine Room” 5 Rounds, Every 3 Minutes: 300/250 Meter Row 9 Thrusters (95/65)   SC: (75/55)   Fit: 250/200M Row, (65/35)  

Saturday 3/17/18

ATTN: PELICANS! The Open 18.34 tomorrow for judging NO PARTNER WODs or barbell basic this month.   BIG OPEN’18.5 BASH the Next Saturday…don’t forget to sign up at The Nest