Friday 4/28/17
The Other CF Total 1 Rep Max Clean 1 Rep Max Bench Press 1 Rep Max Overhead Squat Score is total weight added together from all three lifts
The Other CF Total 1 Rep Max Clean 1 Rep Max Bench Press 1 Rep Max Overhead Squat Score is total weight added together from all three lifts
WOD: 5K Row Row row row your rower gently in the box Merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream
The CrossFit total • Back squat • Strict Press • Deadlift Your score is the total of your best successful lifts. Around 15 mins on each lift. Found a Back Squat, Strict Press
*No 9am Partner WOD* Iron Pelican Challenge will start at 8:30. WOD after nutrition talk
Strength: Snatch 60%/3 65%/3 70%/3 (75%/3)2 (80%/3)2 Conditioning: AMRAP 12: 21/18 calorie bike 18 thrusters 65/45 15 T2B
Conditioning: 3RFT: 500m Row 400m Run Rest 3:00 between rounds Skill: EMOMx10: Odd: 5 Bar MU Even: 10 HSPU
Strength: Work up to a max complex of: 3 power cleans+3 front squats+3 push jerks Strength: Strict Press 4×5 across (75%ish)
Conditioning: EMOMx10: Odd: 7 TTB + 7 OHS (115/85) Even: 7 Bar Facing Burpees + 7 TTB Skill: 3 sets: 8 UB strict pull-ups 8 UB strict ring dips 50 M