Friday 11/4/16

Strength: 1. Snatch 65%/2 70%/2 (75%/2)3 (80%/1)4 Every 90sec the heavy set may need to give them 2mins 2. Back Squat 60%/3 70%/3 (75%/3)2 (80%2)2 Every 90sec the heavy set may need to

Thursday 11/3/16

Stamina Conditioning EMOMx6: Odd: AMRAP TTB Even: Rest Row Conditioning 9 x 1:40 on, :20 off (2 min rest after round 5) This is a preset WOD on the C2 Rower. Choose “Select

Wednesday 11/2/16

*Barbell Basic Class this Saturday 8am* If you are attening please let me know by Friday. If no one comments or lets me know we will not have it.   Strength: 1. Clean

Tuesday 11/1/16

WOD: “Bouncy House” AMRAP 4: 3 Rounds: 12 Deadlifts (95/65#) (75/55)SC 9 Hang Power Cleans (95/65#) 6 Jerks (95/65#) Time remaining: Max Calorie Bike/Row Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 2 Rounds: 12 Deadlifts (135/95#)

Monday 10/31/16

Strength: Snatch A. 1×3 at 60% B. 1×3 at 70% C. 3×3 at 75% *All reps are drop from the top       Back Squat Triple at 80% Single at 85% Triple

Saturday 10/29/16

9AM WOD   Teams of 2: For time: 100 m run (both partners) 1 round of Cindy each 200 m run 2 rounds of Cindy each 300 m run 3 rounds of Cindy

Friday 10/28/16

WOD: “Open 13.4” AMRAP 7: 3 Clean & Jerks (135/95#) 3 Toes-to-Bar 6 Clean & Jerks 6 Toes-to-Bar 9 Clean & Jerks 9 Toes-to-Bar …and so on, until time expires. Spend rest of

Thursday 10/27/17

1. Conditioning 4x750m Row, 2:30 min rest 2. Midline Conditioning A. Accumulate 2 mins in L-Sit B. 4×15 Weighted Hip Extensions C. 50 GHDSU

Wednesday 10/26/16

Strength:  Hang Squat Clean 5×3 at 70% – from mid thigh, drop from the top  Front Squat Triple at 82% Single at 88% Triple at 82% Single at 90% Triple at 82% Singe

Tuesday 10/25/16

WOD: AMRAP 4: 21-15-9: Power Snatch (75/55#) (65/35)SC Burpees Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 15-12-9: Power Snatch (95/65#) (75/55)SC Burpees over Bar Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 12-9-6: Power Snatch (115/80#) (95/65)SC Burpee Box Jumps