Friday 11/101/11

Metcon: “Saved by the Bell” 5 Rounds: 21 Air Squats 10/7 Calorie Bike 9 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)   SC: Row, (35/25)   Fit: Row, (25/15)   Extra Work: Front Squat 6 Sets

Thursday 11/9/17

  Metcon: “Annie Got Wrecked” 100 Double Unders, 50 AbMat Sit-ups, 200m Run 80 Double Unders, 40 AbMat Sit-ups, 200m Run 60 Double Unders, 30 AbMat Sit-ups, 200m Run 40 Double Unders, 20

Wednesday 11/8/17

Metcon: “Slot Machine” Teams of 3 AMRAP 7: 50 Back Squats (135/95) 50 Back Squats (185/135) AMRAP Back Squats (225/155) rest 3 minutes AMRAP 7: 50 Bench Press (135/95) 50 Bench Press (155/105)

Tuesday 11/7/17

Metcon: “Kelen Helly” 1 Round of “Kelly” 2 Rounds of “Helen” 1 Round of “Kelly”   1 Round of Kelly: 400m Run 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Wall Balls (20/14)   1 Round

Monday 11/6/17

Metcon “Power Down” AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Calorie Row Power Snatch (95/65) rest 5 minutes AMRAP 5: 15-12-9 Calorie Row Clean and Jerks (95/65) SC: (75/55) Fit: (65/45) Strength: Back Squat 2 Rounds: 5

Friday 11/3/17

Metcon: “Dead Ahead”  4 Rounds: 21 Deadlifts (135/95) 15 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 9 Push Jerks (135/95) SC: (115/80) Fit: (95/65), Step over  Extra Work: Deadlift On the Minute x 7 3 Deadlifts

Thursday 11/2/17

Metcon: “Ball Hogs” AMRAP 20: Teams of 2: 3 Wall Balls (20/14) 3 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 3 Calorie Row Next round is 6’s, then 9’s, etc… Partners complete full rounds   SC: (14/10),(35/26)

Wednesday 11/1/17 Strength: Squat Clean Build to Heavy Single 15 Mins MetCoN; “Four Wheeler” 2 Rounds: 400 Meter Run 15/10 Calorie Bike 12 Squat Cleans (115/80) SC; Row, (95/65) Fit: 200M, Row, (65/45)

Tuesday 10/31/17

Metcon: “Lead Foot” AMRAP 4: 27 Calorie Row 27 Burpees 27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups rest 4 minutes AMRAP 4: 21 Calorie Row 21 Burpees 21 Toes to Bar rest 4 minutes AMRAP

Monday 10/30/17

Strength: Power Snatch Build to Heavy Single 15Mins MEtCon: “Isabel” For Time: 30 Power Snatches (135/95) SC: (95/65) Fit: (75/55) Extra Work: Back Squat 2 Rounds: 5 Reps @ 78% 3 Reps @