Monday 4/3/17

  METCON: 3 RDS 1:00 BACK SQUAT 135/95 Rest 1:00 1:00 C2B PU Rest 1:00 1:00 POWER CLEANS 135/95 Rest 1:00 *BACK SQUAT FROM GROUND* *SCORE IS TOTAL REPS SC: BS 95/65, PU,PC

Saturday 4/1/17

*8am Gymnastics Basic* We will be working on kipping pull-ups and T2B *9am Partner WOD

Friday 3/31/17

Strength: Work up to a heavy Front Squat, then 2 Rounds for time of: 20/15 Calories, Assault Bike 20 Front Squats 115/80 20 Shoulder to Overhead 115/80 SC: Row, 96/54 Fit 15/10 Cal

Thursday 3/30/17

  WOD: AMRAP 15 15 Calories, rowing 10 Bench Press 135/95 SC: 115/80 Fit: 75/55 Strength: 400M Farmer Carrier (53/35)

Wednesday 3/29/17

Strength: Work up to a 1RM Push Press WOD: Push Press “Cindy-ish” 11 Rounds of: 7 Chest-to-bar pull-ups 9 Push Press 75/55 11 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 SC: Pull-ups, 65/45, 14/10 Fit: 6

Tuesday 3/28/17

WOD: AMRAP 4 minutes of: 8 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 4 Burpees, lateral over bar Rest 4 minute AMRAP 4 minutes of: 8 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 4 Burpees, lateral over bar Skill:

Monday 3/27/16

  Strength: Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 Start around 70% and rest 5:00 b/w sets. Goal is to go heavy each set!

Thursday 3/23/17

Stretching & Mobility WOD: 3RFT 30 Cal Row 400M Run 30 Burpees Fit: 3RFT 20 Cal Row 200m run/ row 10 Burpees