Wednesday 3/22/17
1. Front Squat (80%/4)3 2. Jerks 60%/2 65%/2 70%/2 75%/2 80%/2 WOD 3 RFT: 21/15 Cal Bike 15 Pull-ups 9 Burpees SC : rower, bands Fit: 15/10 cal row, ring row
1. Front Squat (80%/4)3 2. Jerks 60%/2 65%/2 70%/2 75%/2 80%/2 WOD 3 RFT: 21/15 Cal Bike 15 Pull-ups 9 Burpees SC : rower, bands Fit: 15/10 cal row, ring row
1. Conditioning 25-20-15-10-5 of: Hang Power Snatches (75/55#) 100-80-60-40-20: Double-unders 2. Stamina Conditioning EMOMx6: 8 Thrusters (95/65)
WOD 40-30-20-10 Cals assault bike KBS 53/35 ABMSU Scale & Fit row or run 400/300/200/100
WOD: 3 Rounds: 24 Cal Row 21 Hang Power Cleans (115/80) 18 Step-Back Lunges (115/80) 15 Over-the-Bar Burpees Gymnastics Conditioning 6×12 Kipping HSPU 1:00 Rest between sets
A. “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlift (225/155#) HSPU B. EMOM 12: Even: 12 OHS 95/65 Odd: 12 bar facing burpees
A. Conditioning “Jackie” 1,000m Row 50 thrusters (45/35#) 30 Pull-ups B. AMRAP 6: 6 unbroken T2B (each set done unbroken; if athlete cannot do 6, pick a number you can do consecutively)
A. 1 rep max squat snatch B. 1 rep max front squat Notes: spend roughly 20 minutes on each movement. Make sure technique is not breaking down too bad once
Strength: 1. Clean & Jerk Heavy Single 85% of Heavy Single 90% of Heavy Single WOD: AMRAP 18: 30 Push Jerks (115/80#) 30 BJ (24/20″) 30 Cal Row 30 T2B
Row Conditioning 3 sets of: 5x200m, :20 rest Rest 1:00 between sets Fit: 3 sets of 5x200M :40 rest Rest 2:00 between sets *Spend the rest of time working on a weakness*