Friday 1/13/16
Strength: Snatch 65%/3 70%/3 75%/3 80%/2 (85%/1)2 90%/1 WOD: AMRAP 5: Power Snatch (115/80#) AMRAP 4: Row for Calories AMRAP 3: OHS (115/80#) AMRAP 2: Double-unders SC: (95/65), Singles Fit: (65/35), Singles
Strength: Snatch 65%/3 70%/3 75%/3 80%/2 (85%/1)2 90%/1 WOD: AMRAP 5: Power Snatch (115/80#) AMRAP 4: Row for Calories AMRAP 3: OHS (115/80#) AMRAP 2: Double-unders SC: (95/65), Singles Fit: (65/35), Singles
Skill Conditioning EMOMx10: Odd: 10 TTB Even: OHS (95/65#) SC: 10 K2E, (75/55) Fit: 20 Knee Ups, (65/36) WOD: 5RFT: 12 Burpees 35 Double-unders SC: 12 Burpees, 70 Singles Fit: 3 RFT,
Strength: Front Squat 80%/3 85%/1 80%/3 87%/1 80%/3 90%/1 WOD: 7RFT: 9 Power Snatch (95/65#) 15 Wallballs (20/14#) 21 Double-unders SC: (75/55)PS, (14/10)WB, 42 Singles FIT: 5 RFT, (65/35)PS, Air Squats, 42
Strength: Clean & Jerk 60%/2+1 65%/2+1 70%/2+1 75%/2+1 (80%/2+1)4 WOD: 5 Rounds, for max reps: 1:00 Row for Calories 1:00 Power Cleans (135/95) 1:00 Burpees over Bar 1:00 Rest SC: (115/80) PC Fit:
Strength: Back Squat 80%/5 85%/1 80%/5 88%/1 80%/5 91%/1 WOD: 30-20-10: Pull-ups Cals on Assault Bike Directly into… 30-20-10: Shoulder to Overhead (135/95#) Jumping Lunges (15/side) SC: Bands or jumping pull-ups, Rower, (115/80),
*8AM Barbell Basic Class *9AM Partner WOD Don’t stress because its not posted. You will survive and it will be fun!
Strength: Clean & Jerk 65%/3+1 70%/3+1 75%/3+1 (80%/2+1)2 (85%/1)3 WOD: 10 Ring/Bar MU 150 DU 20 Squat Snatch (155/105#) 150 DU 10 Ring/bar MU SC: 20 C2B or Pull-ups/ 300 Singles /
Conditioning 1:30 of AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees Rest 1 minute 1:00 of AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees Rest :30 :30 of AMRAP of Bar Facing Burpees Midline Conditioning 3 Rounds, NOT for
Front Squat 78%/3 83%/1 78%/3 85%/1 78%/3 87%/1 Conditioning “Tri Sprint Intervals” 6 Rounds of: AMRAP 4: 30/20 Calorie Row 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike AMRAP of 10m Shuttles in remaining time Rest