Thursday: 9/22/16

  Workout: For time: 250 m row 500 m row 1000 m row 500 m row 250 m row Rest 1:00 b/w intervals

Wednesday: 9/21/16

  Workout: AMRAP 10: 10 PS 95/65 10 burpees   Skill: For time: 400 m Farmer’s Carry 53/35

Tuesday: 9/20/16

Strength/Workout:   Squat Snatch: 3×1 1 High pull+1 squat snatch+1 OHS @ 75% 3×1 1 squat snatch @ 90%   Squat Clean&Jerk: 3×1 1 high pull+1 squat clean+1 Jerk @ 75% 3×1 1

Monday: 9/19/16

Strength: E2MOM 10: 3 Back squat @ 80%   Workout: 3 RFT: 400 m run 15 T2B 10 Push Press 115/80 1 rope climb   Scaled: 30 knee ups, 95/65, 5 strict pull-ups

Friday 9/16/16

WOD: 11.1 AMRAP 10 30 DUs 15 Power snatches 75/55 SC 90 Singles 65/45   Strength/Skill Spend the rest of class working on a weakness   *We will not have any classes Saturday

Thursday 9/15/16

Core: 3 RDS :20 Sec L-Sit 25 Med Ball Sit up 20/14 30 Russian Twist w/ Med Ball 20/14 :40 Plank WOD: 3 RDS 15 Cal Row 12 Burpee BJ 9 Back Squat

Wednesday 9/14/16

Strength: 3 X 3 Push Press @ 80% 3 X 3 Push Jerk @ 80% Rest 2 Mins b/w sets   WOD: Running Clock…. AMRAP 5 21/15 Cal Row 21 DL 95/65          (75/55)SC

Tuesday 9/13/16

Strength: 5 X 1 Squat Snatch @ 85% 5 X 1 Squat C&J @ 85% Rest 2 Mins b/w sets Conditioning: 2 X 400M Run 1min rest b/t 2 X 200M Run 30sec

Monday 9/12/16

Strength: 8 X 3 @ 80% FS Rest 2 Mins b/w sets WOD: 21-15-9 OHS HSPU Burpee Pull-ups RX 115/80 SC 95/65 HRPU

Saturday 9/10/16

8AM Barbell Basic Class 9AM Tribute to 9/11 Sixteen years ago on September 11, 2001, the United States was brutally attacked. Four planes were hijacked by terrorists. Two of the planes were sent