Wednesday 6/8/16
Strength: 3 X 2 Power Snatch 3 X 2 Squat Snatch Increasing weight every 2 minutes. WOD: AMRAP 6 6 Power Snatch 95/65 6 HSPU
Strength: 3 X 2 Power Snatch 3 X 2 Squat Snatch Increasing weight every 2 minutes. WOD: AMRAP 6 6 Power Snatch 95/65 6 HSPU
Partner WOD 100 Cal Row 75 Burpee Box Jumps 50 OH Lunges 95/65 25 C&J 155/105
Partner WOD 120 OH Squats w/ Plate (45/25) Run 200M 120 KBS (53,35) Run 200M 120 P2OH Burpees (45/25) Run 200M 120 OH Alt. Lunges (45/25) Run 200M 120 thruster w/Plate (45/25) Run
Strength Back Squat 3 X 10 @ 70% Rest 2-3 mins b/w sets WOD: Buy In: ROW 1K 21-15-9 KBS (70/53) OHS (115/80)
Core: EMOM 12 Min 1: 15 ABMSU Min 2: 20 Sec L-sIt Min 3: 30 Sec Plank WOD: 6 X 150M Run 30 sec rest b/w sets Rest 4 mins 4 X
EMOM 10 Odd: 10 Thruster 95/65 Even: 10 T2B WOD: “JT” 21-15-9 HSPU Ring Dips Push-up In honor of Petty Officer 1st Class Jeff Taylor, 30, of Little Creek, VA, who was killed
Strength: Every 30sec for 6 mins moderate weight 1 PC Rest 4 Min Every 30 sec for 6 mins moderate weight 1 PS WOD: 104 WBS (20/14) 52 Pull-Ups Extra Work
Partner WOD “Morrison” 50-40-30-20-10 WB (20/14) Box Jumps (24/20) KBS (53/35) While partner is working other partner is holding a plank U.S. Army Specialist Scott Morrison, 23, of Blue Ash, Ohio, assigned to
Strength: Squat Snatch 5 X 3 every 90 sec climbing each set WOD: AMRAP 12 15 Hang Power Snatch (75/55) 20 WB (20/14)
Core: 10 RDS 20 Sec Hollow Hold 20 Sec Superman Hold WOD: 4 RDS 25 Cal Row 20 Target Burpees 15 T2B