Thursday: 9/22/16
Workout: For time: 250 m row 500 m row 1000 m row 500 m row 250 m row Rest 1:00 b/w intervals
Workout: For time: 250 m row 500 m row 1000 m row 500 m row 250 m row Rest 1:00 b/w intervals
Workout: AMRAP 10: 10 PS 95/65 10 burpees Skill: For time: 400 m Farmer’s Carry 53/35
Wednesday: 9/21/16 Read More »
Strength/Workout: Squat Snatch: 3×1 1 High pull+1 squat snatch+1 OHS @ 75% 3×1 1 squat snatch @ 90% Squat Clean&Jerk: 3×1 1 high pull+1 squat clean+1 Jerk @ 75% 3×1 1 squat clean&jerk @ 90% Rest 2:00 between each; athlete is allowed to drop bar after the high pull if he or she chooses
Strength: E2MOM 10: 3 Back squat @ 80% Workout: 3 RFT: 400 m run 15 T2B 10 Push Press 115/80 1 rope climb Scaled: 30 knee ups, 95/65, 5 strict pull-ups (use band if needed; no ring rows)
WOD: 11.1 AMRAP 10 30 DUs 15 Power snatches 75/55 SC 90 Singles 65/45 Strength/Skill Spend the rest of class working on a weakness *We will not have any classes Saturday 9/17/16* see you at Race For The Cure
Core: 3 RDS :20 Sec L-Sit 25 Med Ball Sit up 20/14 30 Russian Twist w/ Med Ball 20/14 :40 Plank WOD: 3 RDS 15 Cal Row 12 Burpee BJ 9 Back Squat (from the floor) RX 135/95 SC 95/65
Strength: 3 X 3 Push Press @ 80% 3 X 3 Push Jerk @ 80% Rest 2 Mins b/w sets WOD: Running Clock…. AMRAP 5 21/15 Cal Row 21 DL 95/65 (75/55)SC Rest 5 Mins AMRAP 5 15/10 Cal Row 15 FS 95/65 (75/55)SC Rest 5 Mins AMRAP 5 9 Cal Row 9
Strength: 5 X 1 Squat Snatch @ 85% 5 X 1 Squat C&J @ 85% Rest 2 Mins b/w sets Conditioning: 2 X 400M Run 1min rest b/t 2 X 200M Run 30sec rest b/t *RUN HARD*
Strength: 8 X 3 @ 80% FS Rest 2 Mins b/w sets WOD: 21-15-9 OHS HSPU Burpee Pull-ups RX 115/80 SC 95/65 HRPU
8AM Barbell Basic Class 9AM Tribute to 9/11 Sixteen years ago on September 11, 2001, the United States was brutally attacked. Four planes were hijacked by terrorists. Two of the planes were sent crashing into the Twin Towers in New York, New York; the third plane into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.; and the fourth