Friday 12/8/17
Strength: Front Squat 3×3 – 80% 3×1 – 85% Every 2:30 Metcon: “Undead” 5 Rounds: 15 Deadlifts (155/105) 25 AbMat Sit-Ups SC: 115/80 Fit: 95/65
Strength: Front Squat 3×3 – 80% 3×1 – 85% Every 2:30 Metcon: “Undead” 5 Rounds: 15 Deadlifts (155/105) 25 AbMat Sit-Ups SC: 115/80 Fit: 95/65
Metcon: Half “Murph” For Time: 800 meters Run 50 pull-ups 100 push-ups 150 squats 800 meters Run Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats as needed. Modification options provided by coaches.
Strength: Power Clean and Jerk Heavy Single MetCon: “Gwen” 15-12-9: Unbroken Clean and Jerks Score is weight used. Rest as needed between sets. Athletes choice on loading.
Metcon: “2k Row” For Time: 2,000 Meter Row Extra Work: Kipping/Strict Handstand Push-ups For Quality: 15-12-9-6-3
Strength: Back Squat 5 Reps @ 70% 5 Reps @ 73% 4 Reps @ 76% 4 Reps @ 79% 3 Reps @ 82% 3 Reps @ 82% Every 2:30 MetCon: “Humpty Dumpty” 3
*8am Gymnastic Basic *9am Partner WOD; “Third Wheel” AMRAP 25: Teams of 3: 600 Meter Run (200m per athlete) 60/42 Calorie Bike 60 Thrusters Round 1 – 75/55 Round 2 – 95/65
Important dates and Information Tomorrow Olympic Lifting Seminar @ 5:30Pm No 4:30pm or Open Gym 5:30-7PM *Christmas party at Portico Dec 2 @ 7pm / Ugly sweater *Please sign up at the Box
Important dates and Information Olympic Lifting Seminar Dec 1 @ 5:30Pm/ No 4:30pm or Open Gym *Christmas party at Portico Dec 2 @ 7pm / Ugly sweater *Please sign up at the Box
Important dates and Information Olympic Lifting Seminar Dec 1 @ 5:30Pm/ No 4:30pm or Open Gym *Christmas party at Portico Dec 2 @ 7pm / Ugly sweater *Please sign up at the Box
Strength: OHS 5 sets of 3 50%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75% Every 2 minutes MetCon: “Denim” AMRAP 15: 60 Double Unders 30/21 Calorie Row 15 Overhead Squats (115/80) SC: 120 Singles, (95/65)