Thursday 6/22/17

Metcon:   “Annie’s on the Run” or ““Annie’s on the Row” (depending on the weather) 100 DU 50 Sit-ups 200m Run 80 DU 40 Sit-ups 200m Run 60 DU 30 Sit-ups 200m Run

Wednesday 6/21/17

Summer Throw Down WOD 4: Part 1: Max weight of complex: 5 push Press+ 5 push Jerks 20 mins Part 2: max weight of complex: 3 touch&go deads+ 3 hang power cleans 20

Tuesday 6/20/17

Summer Throw Down WOD 2 “Helen” Team Tara AVG 11:31 Team Kendall AVG 11:42 Team Tara wins “Helen” Accessory: Shoulder Complex 4 RDS 10 Bent-Over Lateral Raise 10 Front Raise 10 Lateral Raise

Monday 6/19/17

Metcon: AMRAP 4 400M Run Max Wall Balls (20/14)   Rest 4 Mins   AMRAP 4 400M Run Max Cluster (135/85)   Rest 4 mins   AMRAP 4 400M Run Max Cal Row

Saturday 6/17/16

No Partner WOD.   9am Class   Summer Trow down Team Challenge and Pelican Life Challenge retest WOD   “Helen” 3 Rounds For Time 400 meter Run 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 12 Pull-Ups

Friday 6/16/17

Strength: OHS 5 @ 50%, 60%, 65%, (70%)2 Metcon: “Bad Mama Jama” 5 Rounds: 1:00 Row 1:00 Power Snatch (95/65) 1:00 Burpees 1:00 Rest

Thursday 6/15/17

WOD 1 “Grace”     Team Tara  AVG 3:oo                  Team Kendall AVG 3:12 Team Tara wins WOD1   Metcon: Partner WOD “Tag Team” Teams of

Wednesday 6/14/17

Metcon: “Filthy 50” 50 Box Jumps 50 Jumping Pull-ups 50 Kettlebell Swings (35/25#) 50 Walking Lunges 50 Toes-to-Bar 50 Push Press (45/35) 50 Good Mornings (45/35) 50 Wallballs (20/14#) 50 Burpees 50 Double-unders

Tuesday 6/13/17

Summer Throw Down Teams!   Team Tara ( be thinking of a team name) Matt W. Gabe T. Rachel M. Dano G. T. Baugh Emily M. Lacy S. Tammi A. Lauren W.