Monday 4/17/17

    Strength: 4×8 (per leg) Reverse Lunges From a rack. Increase weight each set. 2:00 rest between.   Conditioning: 27-21-15-9: Power Snatch (75/55) WBS (20/14#) Cal Row   Warm up: Stretch/roll out

Saturday 4/15/17

9am Partner WOD “Jesus” 14 Rounds for time (95/65 lb Barbell): 10 Deadlifts 10 Squat cleans 10 Push Press Walking barbell Lunges (50 ft) Round 3, 7, & 9 – 7: Turkish Get

Friday 4/14/17

Strength: Front Squat: 1×5 60% 1×5 65% 3×5 70% Every 2:00. Conditioning: ‘DT’ 5 RFT: 12 DL 9 HPC 6 PJ 155/105# Score is time.

Thursday 4/13/17

Conditioning: 500 m row 50 pull-ups 500 m row 40 calorie bike 500 m row 30 front squats 155/105# 500 m row SC: Banded Pull-ups, 800 m run, 115/75 Fit: 250 Row, 25

Wednesday 4/12/17

  Strength:   Power Clean+Push Jerk 1×2+2 60% 1×2+2 65% 1×2+2 70% 2×2+2 75%   Clean Pulls 1×5 80% 3×5 85%   Percentages are of best C&J. Every 2:00.   Skill: 4 sets:

Tuesday 4/11/17

Conditioning: 3 rounds: 50 DU 20 WBS 50/30 calorie bike 2 rounds: 50 DU 20 WBS 35/20 calorie bike 1 round: 50 DU 20 WBS 20/15 calorie bike *40 min time cap*

Monday 4/10/17

  Strength: Back Squat: 1×5 60% 1×5 65% 3×5 70% Every 2:00. Conditioning: 4 Rounds: Min 1: 1 round of strict Cindy (5 strict pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats) Min 2: 15/12

Thursday 4/6/17

METCON: 21-15-9 Cal Bike Pull-ups Rest 5 9-15-21 T2B Cal Bike

Wednesday 4/5/17

  Metcon: 5 RFT: 400 m run 21 DL 185/135 SC: 155/105 Fit: 200M, 95/65

Tuesday 4/4/17

  METCON: AMRAP 10 10 HSPU 10 Front Rack Lunges 95/65 SC: 10 HSPU 10 FRL 65/45 FIT: 10 HRPU 15 BW Lunges ACCESSORY: 3RDS 10 Bent Over Row 10 SA KB Press