Wednesday 5/11/16
Strength: EMOM 7 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk (Heavy Weight across) WOD: 400M Run 21 Hang Squat Clean (115/80) 400M Run 15 Hang Squat Clean 400M Run 9 Hang Squat
Strength: EMOM 7 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk (Heavy Weight across) WOD: 400M Run 21 Hang Squat Clean (115/80) 400M Run 15 Hang Squat Clean 400M Run 9 Hang Squat
Strength: EMOM 10 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean @ 70% 1RM Squat Clean WOD: 21-15-9 Power Snatch (95/65) Run 400M after each round
Conditioning 100M Run 20 Sec Rest 200M Run 30 Sec Rest 400M Run 1 Minute Rest 800M Run 1 Minute Rest 400M Run 30 Sec Rest 200M Run 20 Sec Rest 100M Run
Strength: 4 x 4 Strict Press + 4 Push Press @ 70% Strict Press WOD: 4 RFT 10 Sumo DL (75/55) 10 high pull 10 front squat 10 push jerk
Skill: Pull ups 3 X 10 Hollow & Arch swing 3 X 5 Strict 3 X 5 Kipping/ Butter Fly WOD: AMRAP 15 1 Bear Complex 3 Bar facing Burpee Each round add
Strength: Front Squat Find a 1RM in 15 mins WOD: 30 WB (20/14) 30 Pull Up 20 WB 20 Pull UP 10 WB 10 Pull Up For Time
Conditioning: 4 X 100M RUN/ 20 sec rest 3 X 200M/ 30 sec rest 2 X 400M/ 1 min rest Core: 3 RDS 30 AB Mat Sit up 1 Min Plank
Strength: Heavy Push Jerk Found a heavy jerk not a 1 RM 15 mins WOD: 10-1 OHS (95/65) 1-10 BJ (24/20) FOR TIME
Strength: Squat Snatch technique and work for 30 mins WOD: 12 Min AMRAP 25 TTB 25 KBS (53/35) 25 Cal Row
SKILL Improvement: “GOAT” work “GOAT” refers to a weakness; this may be DUs, HSPU, pull-ups, T2B, etc.; let the athlete choose what they need to work on; then perform EMOM 10 performing about