Monday 8/29/16
Strength: 6 X 2 Back Squat should be 80%+ Rest 2 mins b/w sets WOD: 5 RFT 15 KBS 15 Burpees RX 70/53 SC 53/35
Strength: 6 X 2 Back Squat should be 80%+ Rest 2 mins b/w sets WOD: 5 RFT 15 KBS 15 Burpees RX 70/53 SC 53/35
Partner WOD 21-15-9 WB (20/14) & Burpees 21-15-9 KBS (53/35) & ABMSU 21-15-9 Goblet Squats (53/35) & Cal Row * Partner 1 starts with 21 Wall Balls, Partner 2 starts with 21 Burpees. Once both partners are finished, Partners switch movements. P1 does 21 Burpees, P2 does 21 Wall Balls, then both switch and move
WOD: 12.3 RX Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 15 Box jumps, 24/20 12 Push press(S2OH) 115/75 9 Toes-to-bar Scaled Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of: 15 Box Set Up, 24/20 12 Push press(S2OH) 95/55 18 Knee Up Strength: 400M Farm Carry
Skill/Strength: EMOM 10 Even- 5 HSPU Odd- 5 Front Squat, moderate weight WOD: “TIGER BLOOD” 3 RFT 400M Run 10 C&J RX 135/95 SC 95/65
Strength: Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2, climbing WOD; Ascending Ladder for 8 mins 3 PS, 3 T2B 6, 6 9,9 ……. RX 115/80 SC 85/55
Strength: 6 X 4 Back Squats, same weight across WOD: 3 RFT 30 DUs 21 WBs 30 DUs 15 BJ 24/20 30 DUs 9 HPC RX 20/14, 135/95 SC 14/10, 95/65, 90 Singles
WOD: 7RDS on 5 minute 100M Shuttle Run (25 X 2) 15 KBS 53/35 100M Shuttle Run 15 Burpees 100M Shuttle Run
Skill: EMOM 10 Even: HSPU ODD: Pull-ups Up to 10 WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 CAL ROW DL RX 185/135 SC 135/95
Strength: EMOM 8 2 Squat C&J @ 60% Rest 4 EMOM 8 2 Squat Snatches @ 60% NO T&G, reset after each one
Strength: Work to a Heavy Set of 5 Back Squat 15 Mins WOD: 9 PC 50 DU 21 T2B 7 PC 50 DU 18 T2B 5 PC 50 DU 15 T2B RX+ 185/125 RX 135/95 SC 95/65 Tuesday 8/16/16