Partner WOD: AMRAP 26 In teams of 2 60 Power Clean (135/95) 30 Burpees 60 Front Squats 30 Burpees 60 Push Press 30 Burpees AMRAP (in remaining time) Clean & Jerk SC: (115/75)

Friday 8/11/17

Metcon: “Diane”  21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand Push-ups SC: Deadlifts (185/135) Dumbbell Strict Press (35/25) FIT Deadlifts (155/105) Dumbbell Strict Press (25/15)   Skill Goat Work EMOM 12 Choose 2 skills you need to

Thursday 8/10/17

“Kickstand”  AMRAP 15: 40/30 Calorie Bike 15 Toes to Bar 12 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115/80) 9 Strict Ring Dips SC: Row, Knees to Chest, (95/65), Banded ring dip Fit: Row, Knee-up, 75/55,

Wednesday 8/9/17

  Strength:   A) EMOM 5: Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean (50% 1RM) B) EMOM 5: Heavy Power Clean   Metcon:   “Power Play” Ascending Ladder for 7 Minutes:

Tuesday 8/8/17

Metcon: “Fire Alarm” For Time: 3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test 50/35 Cal Row 3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test 50/35 Cal Row 3 Rounds Bergeron Beep Test Bergeron Beep Test – 7 Thrusters (75/55),

Monday  8/7/17

  Strength: Power Snatch 2 @ 50%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%   Metcon: “Randy’s on the Run” 5 rounds: 400m Run 15 Power Snatches (75/55) SC: 65/45 Fit: 200M Run, 55/35  

Saturday 8/4/17

8am Gymnastic Basic 9am Partner WOd Metcon: Teams of 2: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Squat Clean (135/95) 100m Run SC; (115/80) Fit: (95/65) *Partner 1 completes 10 reps and 100m run, then partner 2 completes 10

Friday 8/3/17

  “Open Test” AMRAP 20: 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 50 Double Unders 40 Box Jumps (24/20) 40 Toes to Bar 30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 30 Burpees 20 Cleans (145/100) 20 Jerks (145/100)

Thursday 8/3/17

“Wrecking Ball”  AMRAP 18 Teams of 3: 50m Farmers Carry (70/53) 100m medball Run (30/20) 200m Run   SC: (53/35), (20/14)   Fit: (35/26) (14/10)   When partner clears the medball run, next

Wednesday 8/2/17

Strength: Split Jerk Strict Press – 3×3 Increasing weight Jerk Balance – 3×3 Increasing weight Split Jerk – Heavy Single   MetCon: “Nine Lives” AMRAP 9 6 Strict Pull-Ups 9 Front Squats (135/95)