Friday 7/29/16
WOD: RX “Kelly” 5 RFT: RUN 400M 30 BJ 24/20 30 WBS 20/14 Scaled “Kelly” 5 RFT: RUN 400M 30 Box Step up 24/20 30 WBS 14/10
WOD: RX “Kelly” 5 RFT: RUN 400M 30 BJ 24/20 30 WBS 20/14 Scaled “Kelly” 5 RFT: RUN 400M 30 Box Step up 24/20 30 WBS 14/10
Strength: Find a 1RM for Dead Lift 15 mins WOD: RX 5 RDS AMRAP 3 3 PS 135/95 6 Push up 9 Air Squats Rest 1 Min. Scaled 5 RDS AMRAP
Skill: 50 Strict PU For Time, use bands if needed *10 Min Time Cap Strength: 5 X 1 Strict Press 5 X 3 Push Press 5 X 5 Push Jerk *Do 1 set
Strength: 5 X 1 Back Squat @ 90% Rest 3 b/w sets WOD: RX AMRAP 6 50 DUs 15 Back Squat 135/95 Scaled: AMRAP 6 50 singles 15 Back Squat 95/65
Partner WOD: For Time: 400m Row 100 Pull-Ups 400m Row 200 Push Ups 400m Row 300 Air Squats 400m Row
Strength: 5 Rounds Every 2 Minutes 5 TNG Power Snatch + 5 OHS WOD: Rx 6 RDS AMRAP 2 20/14 Cal Row MAX Reps PC 185/135 Rest 2 b/w rds Scaled
Strength: EMOM 10: ODD: 5 Bench Press EVEN: 5 Bent Over Row Partner Up. One does bench while other does bent over row. PARNTER WOD: RX AMRAP 20 20 WBS 20/14 15
Strength: 4 RDS 30 DU’s 60 Single (SC) Rest 30 Sec 15 KBS 70/53 53/35 (SC) Rest 30 Sec WOD: RX AMRAP 15 Run 100M 7 BBJO 24/20 7 T2B Scaled
Strength: Front Squat 5 X 5, climbing to a HEAVY set of 5 WOD: Rx 7RFT 7 HSC 135/95 7 BFB 7 C2B Scaled 7RFT 7 HSC 95/65 7 BFB 7 Pull
Skill: Death By HSPU 1 the first minute 2 the second minute… until you can’t complete them in the minute WOD: Rx 3RFT 400M Run 12 DL 275/185 21 BJ 24/20 Scaled